Live Life. Pass it On

Live Life. Pass it On

 Register to be an organ donor online in British Columbia Canada at BC Transplant

1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives

British Columbia Organ Donor Registry is the official registry of your wishes regarding organ donation. You may register a “yes” or a “no” decision. You only need to register your decision once.

To register your decision you need:
  • your BC Personal Health Number
  • your name, birth date and address
  • to be at least 19 years old - or have a parent/guardian sign on the minor’s behalf
  • If you are a member of the military and you do not have a BC PHN, please complete a paper form and mail it to BC Transplant – we will complete the registration process once we receive your form.

Verify your Registration in Donor Registry

ACT!2015 Enhancing Youth Participation in the SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals