Peace-The way Forward

Youth for PEACE-The Peaceniks
We Choose hope as it is the only way forward...
#§ Asia holds a unique place on this planet because it is home to many cultures, religions & languages, it is cradle of world's important Civilizations & scientific discovery has coexisted.
So let's extend our vision for building PEACE & harmony by-
~ Planting one tree or ornamental plant,
~ Donating a unit of blood,
~ Endeavor to help somebody from other religion or faith.'

Peace, English
Fridden, Luxemburgish
Der Frieden, German
La Paix, French
Achukma, Choctaw
Mír {Bosnian, Bulgarian,
Byelorussian, Croatian,
Czech, Russian, Serbian,

Slovene, Ukrainian}
Shalom, Hebrew
Heiwa, Japanese
Salam, Arabic
La Paz, Spanish
La Pace Italian, Romanian

A Paz Galician, Portuguese
Alaáfía, Yoruba
Amaithi, Tamil
Aman-Shanti, Punjabi
Amaní, Swahili
Aman Malay, Urdu
Amniat, Pashto
Ashtee, Farsi
Asomdwee, Twi-Akan
Aylobaha, Gafuleya Chontal
Bake, Basque
Barish, Turkish
Béke, Hungarian
Boóto, Mongo-Nkundu
Búdech, Palauan
Chibanda, Ila
Däilama, Sa'a
Damai, Indonesian
Diakatra, Maranao
Dodolimdag, Papago/Pima
eace-pay, Pig Latin
Echnahcaton, Munsterian
Ets'a'an Olal, Maya
'Éyewi Nez, Perce
Fandriampahalemana, Malgache
Filemu, Samoan
Fois Scots, Gaelic
Fred Danish, Norwegian, Swedish
Friður ,Icelandic
Goom-jigi, Buli
Gúnnammwey, Carolinian
Hasîtî, Kurdish
Hau, Tahitian
Hedd, Welsh
Hmethó, Otomi
Hoa Bình, Vietnamese
Ilifayka, Koasati
Innaihtsi'iyi, Blackfoot
Iri'ni, Greek
Írq, Amharic
Ittimokla, Alabama
Kagiso, Setswana
Kalilíntad, Magindanaon
Kapayapaan, Tagalog Filipino
K'é, Navajo
Kev Thajyeeb Nyab Xeeb Hmong Daw
Khanhaghutyun, Armenian
Khotso, Sesotho
Kiñuiñak, Northwest Alaska Inupiat Inuktitut
Kiba-kiba, Rapanui
Kunammwey, Chuuk
Kupia Kumi Laka Miskito
Kutula, Fanagolo
'Kwam, Sa Lao
La Paqe, Albanian
La Patz, Aranés
La Pau, Catalán
Lapé Haitian, Creole
Layéni, Zapoteco
Li-k'ei, Tlingit
Linew, Manobo
Lùmana, Hausa
Mabuhay, Tagalog
Maluhia, Hawaiian
Meleilei, Ponapean
Melino, Tonga
Miers, Latvian
Mina, Wintu
Mtendere Chewa, Nyanja
Muka-muka, Ekari
Musango, Duala
Mutenden, Bemba
Nabad -Da, Somali
Nanna Ayya Chickasaw
Ñerane'i, Guaraní
Nimuhóre, Ruanda
Nirudho, Pali
Nye, Ntomba
Olakamigenoka, Abenaqui
Paçi, Maltese
Paco, Esperanto
Pax, Latin
Pingan, Chinese
Pokój , Polish, Slovak
Pyong'hwa, Korean
Rahu, Estonian
Rangima'arie, Maori
Rauha, Finnish
Rerdamaian, Indonesian
Rukun, Javanese
Saanti, Nepali
Sai Gaai Òh Pìhng Yue
Santipap, Thai
Saq, Uighur
Shîte, Tibetan
Shanti {Bengali, Gujarati,
Hindi, Kannada, Telugu}

Sholim, Yiddish
Síocháin, Irish
Sìth, Gaelic
Soksang, Khmer
Solh Dari, Persian
Sonqo, Tiaykuy Quechua
Sulh, Turkish
Taika, Lithuainian
Tecócatú ,Nhengatu
Thayu, Gikuyu
Tsumukikatu, Comanche
Tuktuquil, Usilal Kékchí
Tutkiun, North Alaska Inuktitut
Udo, Igbo
Ukuthula, Zulu
Uvchin, Mapudungun
Uxolo, Xhosa
Vrede Afrikaans, Dutch
Wâki Ijiwebis-I, Algonquin
Wetaskiwin, Cree
Wolakota, Lakhota
Wôntôkóde, Micmac
Wo'okeyeh, Sioux


Your state of mind creates the state of your results

Your attitude determines the state of world you live in.

Attitude creates the way you feel about goals, performance, people and situations. Your actions are a result of your attitude, which, in turn, creates a reaction from others. So, basically, what you think ... you get. Incorporate a positive, joyful attitude and you'll have positive, joyful results. Put out a bad, negative attitude and you've failed before you begin.

Where do negative attitude come form in first place ?
Negative attitudes come from thinking negative thoughts over and over until they have become a part of your subconscious – they've become habitual, a part of your personality. You may not even realize you have a negative attitude because it's been with you for so long. Once you have a bad attitude, you expect failure and disaster. This expectation turns you into a strong magnet for failure and disaster. Then it becomes a vicious circle. You expect the worst - you get the worst.

So how we shift our thoughts and create a positive attitude ?
It takes work, but creating anything of value takes work. In order to have a new attitude we have to change our subconscious thinking. How do we do this? By analyzing every thought we have until positive thinking becomes habit. You're merely replacing an old habit with a healthy habit, much like replacing exercise for smoking ? ….It's certainly difficult for those who think it's difficult. Don't allow your bad habits become more stronger than your will power.

Some people would say, "But negative situations are a reality. They just show up in everyday life." This is absolutely not true. Situations are a reality, yes. They do show up. It is your attitude that makes a situation positive or negative. Understand, that YOU are in control of how you think and feel – no one else on earth has this power unless you give it away.

Take control of your attitude, and you take control of your results.